Video trpiaceho šteniatka láme srdce. Niekto ho vyhodil do koša

Video trpiaceho šteniatka láme srdce. Niekto ho vyhodil do koša
Zdroj: Facebook/ lorin thomas

Aj vďaka dobrým ľuďom, ktorí prispeli na liečbu, je už šteniatko v poriadku.

Šteniatko Ivy našli v odpadkovom koši. K veterinárovi ho priviezli pracovníci Delano AC, ktorí sa starajú o opustené a zbedačené zvieratká. Malá Ivy bola podchladená, jedno očko jej vyliezalo z buľvy a utrpela aj fraktúru lebky.

Video trpiaceho šteniatka zverejnila na sociálnej sieti Lorin Thomas, ktorá pravidelne podávala informácie o stave malého psíka. Aj vďaka dobrým ľuďom, ktorí prispeli na liečbu, je už šteniatko v poriadku. Dokonca je už v pestúnskej starostlivosti.

Ivy is doing well in foster care. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE DO NOT CALL THE VET'S OFFICE FOR A STATUS UPDATE. DONATIONS TO OUR VET ACCOUNT ARE MUCH APPRECIATED, BUT UPDATES WILL BE GIVEN ON HER POST, NOT BY THE VET STAFF. THANK YOU Ivy. (because I'm not already sick enough of *people) this puppy was found in a garbage can today and Delano AC brought her in to Dr. Stout's office. her temperature was only 92° and her eyeball was popping out of its socket. she has a fractured skull. she stayed at Delano Vet Hospital. cross your fingers and send all the good vibes for her. Alvie Baker *by 'people' I mean loathesome losers who should never have pets. I hope karma is paying attention. UPDATE: Ivy is in foster care and will be going to rescue as soon as possible. we don't know at this time if her current vet bill is covered, but donations for her care and for future animals in need are always needed and appreciated. donations can be made to Delano Vet Hospital (661)725-8614 to the Glenda Miller Memorial Fund. checks can be mailed to DVH, 726 South High St., Delano, CA 93215 Thank you to everyone who donated/shared/send good thoughts for Ivy <3 ****UPDATE -MONDAY ******* IVY had a good night last night and I woke up to her greeting me from her crate with a wagging tail! Progress! This picture was just taken after eating and a full belly snuggling in. ***we don't know at this time if her current vet bill is covered, but donations for her care and for future animals in need are always needed and appreciated. donations can be made to Delano Vet Hospital (661)725-8614 to the Glenda Miller Memorial Fund. checks can be mailed to DVH, 726 South High St., Delano, CA 93215. PLEASE, every dollar makes a difference!

Zveřejnil(a) Lorin Thomas dne 23. únor 2017

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