Už 10 rokov nejedla: Žena trpí vzácnym ochorením, nemôže prijímať potravu a trpí bolesťami

Už 10 rokov nejedla: Žena trpí vzácnym ochorením, nemôže prijímať potravu a trpí bolesťami
Annie Hollandová Zdroj: Profimedia.cz

Len 24-ročná Američanka bojuje s chorobou, ktorá jej prevrátila život naruby. Už desať rokov je závislá od infúzií, pretože jej telo nedokáže spracovať živiny ani tekutiny. Svoj príbeh zdieľa na sociálnych sieťach, aby inšpirovala ostatných.

Annie Hollandová má autoimunitnú gangliopatiu, ktorá spôsobuje, že jej imunitný systém napáda zdravé nervové bunky a jej telo nie je schopné spracovať potrebné živiny a tekutiny.

Prečítajte si tiež:

Nenápadný začiatok

Všetko sa začalo nenápadne. „Cítila som sa stále unavená, bolela ma každá časť tela a nevedela som prečo,“ spomína žena. Spočiatku si myslela, že ide o stres z práce alebo prechladnutie, no príznaky sa postupne zhoršovali.

Začala pociťovať svalovú slabosť, problémy s pohybom a dokonca aj s prehĺtaním.

Po sérii testov jej lekári diagnostikovali vzácne autoimunitné ochorenie. Diagnóza však bola len začiatkom. Nasledovali mesiace liečby a hľadania správnej kombinácie liekov.

Prečítajte si tiež:

Inšpirácia pre iných

Na prvé týždne spomína Annie ako na tie najťažšie, no vďaka podpore rodiny zvláda bojovať ďalej a bojuje už 10 rokov. Momentálne je závislá od podávania výživy priamo do krvného obehu cez infúziu.

Svoj príbeh sa rozhodla zdieľať na sociálnej sieti TikTok, aby motivovala ostatných.

@annalieseholland It’s taken me almost 10 years to show this… At just age 12 I started getting sick not thinking much of it. By age 15 It was getting worse I had been back and forth to doctors with numerous issues. By age 16 my life started to change forever. By age 18 I was given a diagnosis. By age 22 I became terminal. I isolated myself from society because I was stuck going through hell whilst everyone moved on with their life’s. Spending months and months on end in hospital, going months with no visitors. I didn’t want anyone to know I was sick. I just gathered I would get better and I could remove that “era” from my life. ….. oh how wrong was I. I never thought this would be it. I never saw my life ending soon (heck no one does) but not being able to plan or even think about the future just breaks my soul. Months of horrible torturous symptoms, procedures, surgeries and awful medications. One of those being high dose steroids. Anyone who has had steroids know the awful side effects that come along with it. One of the most obvious moon face and fluid retention. Leaving me sometimes gaining 20+ kilos in one week. The pain, the suffering , the loneliness no one can understand until they have been in that position. I’m so ashamed of these pictures but I think it’s about time everyone sees why and what was going on whilst I was “MIA”. I think it’s important to show others that it’s okay. I’m embarrassed and terrified to show this. It’s sad in society when my first thought when I got sick wasn’t “will I survive” but “will I look ugly”. Life is so bloody short, and if there’s one thing I want everyone to do for me is LIVE! Make the most of every day because the fact you woke up today, the fact you’re not stuck in bed is one of the most amazing gifts you can have. For anyone who has sent me kind words or messages or lil gifts. Even just acknowledged my posts. It means more to me than you ever know. I read every single one. They always me feel not so alone and peace. I’m sorry if I don’t get back to people I sometimes forget because of all the medications I’m on. I love you all forever and always. Xoxo #fyp #terminal #terminalillness #chronicillness #intestinalfailure #autoimmunedisease #love #legacy #happy #foryoupage #life #hospice #palliativecare #aag #cancer #awareness #viral #heaven #god #suffer #mentalhealth #life #death #euthanasia #australia #hope #pain ♬ Story of my life - ??????????? ??

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