Austrálski hasiči utekali pred ohnivou stenou. Pokojné miesto sa za dve minúty zmenilo na peklo

Proti ohnivej stene, ktorú poháňal silný vietor a horiaca živica, by nemali šancu.

Hasiči z austrálskeho mesta Dunmore v štáte Nový Južný Wales zverejnili video, ktoré demonštruje, akou veľkou rýchlosťou sa dokážu šíriť lesné požiare.

Na prvom zábere ešte nič nenasvedčuje tomu, že by v okolí horelo. O pár desiatok sekúnd neskôr už pozorujeme, ako sa miesto, na ktorom predtým stálo hasičské vozidlo, mení na inferno.

Hasiči sa museli stiahnuť do bezpečia. Proti ohnivej stene, ktorú poháňal silný vietor a horiaca živica, by nemali šancu. Zábery vznikli 4. januára, no hasiči ich zverejnili prvýkrát až v stredu.

4th January 2020 Dunmore 1 Overrun

4th January 2020 Currowan Fire Shoalhaven Dunmore 1 Crew 5 Overrun Dash Cam Timely reminder how quick a fire can impact under a southerly wind which hits 10 minutes earlier than forecasted. Our Brigade was tasked to undertake property protection ahead of the Southerly Wind which is expected to hit around 19:10 hours in Tomerong. 18:59.14 Crew has set up for property protection and receiving supplies from other units. You will notice there is no current wind in the area. 18:59:24 Southerly wind begins to hit the area. 19:00.05 Crew brace for property protection, which is out of view on the left side of our truck. 19:00.10 Day turns to night. 19:00.25 Ember attack commences. 19:00.40 Southerly wind hits at 100kph. 19:01.00 Extreme ember attack, spot fires and overrun hits our crew and truck. 19:01.22 Crew member activates cab sprays to protect truck as fire spreads rapidly to the North. 19:01:35 Crew continue to protect themselves, property and truck. 19:02.14 Cab sprays turned off. Visibility still poor with ember attack continuing to hit. 19:02.40 Cab sprays activated again for protection. This goes to show what happens in just over 3 minutes. The crew continues for another 9 minutes on the ground bringing a massive positive outcome, with a complete safe crew, protected truck and property saved. People are reminded to adhere to the warnings when given from the appropriate services as this is not a pleasant place to be when a fire impacts at any time, especially at short notice. Ensure your Bushfire Plan is in place. Kind Regards Dunmore RFS.

Uverejnil používateľ Dunmore Rural Fire Brigade Utorok 28. januára 2020

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